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BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.......................

Years ago I came across the above term in a book entitled THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE.....perhaps many of you have read it.

It was a completely new term to me as I had never ever considered much of anything besides just getting through my day.  Days spent mostly caring for family members with one issue or another....rarely focusing on what I WANTED out of life.

As I am now a woman of advanced years.... I realize how very important the thought of  beginning with the end in mind is.  In fact if there was one thing I would share with any of you younger bloggers out there it would be this term.

So often, as women, we focus on every one else....totally forgetting ourself in the process...trying to fix or help this one or that one..and never really focusing on the most important one....OURSELVES.  Not nurturing our creativity or taking care of ourselves emotionally, spiritually or physically...and then we wake up one day and think.....WHERE HAS ALL THE TIME did I get to be 50 or 60 or 70.  

My sweet cleaning person,who is single, has just turned 45 and she and I were talking about just this thing yesterday...she has finally realized that she has done NOTHING to prepare for her retirement or her old age.  In fact, she told me she has really done not one thing to make sure she has a secure future.  Oh...she works incredibly hard...but she lives from paycheck to paycheck...not thinking about the future.  So she has decided to change that.  She is going to put her family in the background and focus on herself.  It doesn't mean she is selfish or that she doesn't just means that she is starting to BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND....It is never too know!

Any thoughts on this?


sign:  Moon to Moon~~Tumbler


  1. Hi Jo, My whole life has been lived for other people....and most likely always will be. I have a special needs child and well, there is no real "ME" involved. It is what it is, what ever that is.

  2. Oh dear lady.....I know there is a YOU in there somewhere.....and your best YOU is taking care of a special person in your life....even-though you will most likely be doing this until the can rest peacefully knowing that your life was rewarding.. caring for another.....that is your begin with the end in mind.

    You are one special person.


  3. Whether the end goal is retirement or some other purpose, it's very true that we must focus on it and plan because things don't happen just by magic, that's for sure.

    I love that art/light installation, whatever the hell it is!

  4. There is much wisdom in the concept of keeping our death close at hand. Death can be a wonderful friend and adviser, keeping us ever mindful of the blessings of every breath and every day. Keeping the end in mind helps us prepare for our golden years and also helps us appreciate every year!

  5. I truly do feel that we come into a whole new stage of our lives once we hit 40, 50 or 60. While we question where the time has gone, knowing in the back of our minds that our best selves went towards the needs of others for the most part, we also need to know that it can be the beginning of a new way of life. Where we are number one! Exploring where we want to go, who we want to be...I think this amazing thought also applies to everyday life, sometimes we lack motivation to start a project, build a dream, travel, whatever. If we can project the outcome, the pleasure and satisfaction we will derive from these things, then we should begin with the end in mind!


  6. good health and preparation is exactly what this young woman needs. bless her heart.

    i did not plan near well enough and i pay for it now.

  7. Hi, Jo. I do remember that book. Read it several times in my youth. I was another who spent their life doing for others. Now I find it hard to let others do for me. I'm finding it hard to admit that I may need help.
    I am still working and perhaps will soon be able to retire, but until then I try to grab whatever time I can for me. As I enter into my golden years, I realize how fast time flies and rue the fact that I let so much time pass by unnoticed.

  8. I read that book quite a long time ago...may be time for me to get it out and read it again.
    Good thoughts you shared here. We DO need to take care of ourselves, because we are important too.
    Prepare for the that at the end, we were prepared.

  9. Between diapers, braces and college tuition, there is very little left for us to think of OUR future. Thank God I had my children young so I had some time to save for myself. Still nervous though that I will live long and outlive my money.

  10. That is so wise, Jo. I spent years caretaking others and not caring enough to put myself first. It is sad in some ways but yet I look back and see a not unhappy life. I would have made some changes but would have left much of life as it fell. Blessings to you- great post- xo Diana

  11. Jo...l read your words with interest, all so true and it's not til we get older that we realise this, spending 20 years plus raising children certainly takes up a lot of a mothers time, energy and focus, which is perfectly fine as long as we remember to care for US...l've read the book you mentioned, it was great but of course always easier to read than DO:-)) Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog also.

  12. There is truth in that saying. Experience has taught me that if i always put myself last and everyone else first, I become less able to be there for other people in the long run. We need to be selfish - to a certain extent of course - in order to have anything to give.Taking care of ourselves, being able to say no to things is important, for today and for the future. Wishing you a good weekend from Norway, Pam

  13. Plan all you want, it is not in your control, really. By a blink of an eye all your planning and good intentions can be blown, flooded or bombed away. I am 60yrs on this planet and the only thing I know forsure is that you do your best, be your best and nuture those close to you to bloom into strong willed, open hearted humans. Women nuture, balance that the wrong way and the result distructive. So you see how important WE as Women are...(i dont often express myself, must go and paint something now or clean something la,la,la ) ♥Debi

  14. I needed to read this post today...thank you, Jo! xo

  15. Sweet Jo, how I love visiting your site. It doesn't seem to matter what day it may be, your posts always speak to me. This one struck me on an entirely different level because I spent the day at the hospital with my adoptive mom today...a woman who has not spoken to me in 2 years...she is 87 years old and the end is just around the corner for her. She did not greet me with love or joy...but I began my visit with the end in mind from an entirely different perspective. In the end...we parted with hugs & choked back tears. I know this is off topic of your post...but I had to share with you how this post touched me in an entirely different way. Naturally you know there will be a blog coming up in the future. Be sure to press the link & stop by, say hello & follow on GFC. Big hugs to you my dear friend, xoxo

  16. Dear Jo,
    This post has so much truth in it. Women do tend to think about others ..well especially if they have family and children, we seem to get left behind. ! My father once told me. "darling, you are on your own in this world, married or not, you have to think about yourself first".. I learnt much from him.
    There comes a time in our lives when we do this. I started some time ago, taking into account my future and I still am.
    A very nice post Jo.
    Hope all is well with you..wishing you a very happy weekend.


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