O.K. IN A PREVIOUS POST I MENTIONED ABOUT FINDING THIS GREAT LITTLE SPOT ALONG THE ROAD. WE HAD OUR DOGS AND IT PROMPTED ME TO WRITE THIS LITTLE DITTY~~~~ ODE TO THE HOT DOG I was conceived of long ago at the Great Chicago Fair There were so many sights to see that no one seemed to care A simple rolled up sandwich of meat within some bread People gulped me down in several bites with nothing being said Of how unique and simple this meat within a bun Could be held in hand while walking and eaten on the run My name evolved over time Not knowing whence it came But it remains with me to this day and no one's changed my name You will always find me at ballgames, concession stands and such At small town restaurants and diners I'm oft'times offered at lunch I am the lowly hot dog rolled up inside a bun You will more than likely find me with LAUGHTER, SMILES AND FUN I know...... I have way......tooo...much time on my hands while traveling. Teeeeheeeee!!!!! Hope y...
"The soul is the truth of who we are." Marianne Williamson