Have you ever considered the fact whether you were an extrovert or introvert? I have....and I am so pleased that some kind soul finally wrote a book comparing the two styles. I have always considered myself....shy.....or in other words an introvert. Oh....don't get me wrong....I can carry on lengthy conversations if required....but I much prefer listening to talking. By doing so, I can interject comments occasionally if appropriate...or keep quite if I so desire. Often, if we are attending a social gathering I will size up our companions and decide which one, I believe, will carry the evening so to speak. Or, I will ask my wonderful soul mate if he is in a "chatty" mood....his comment usually is we are going to see "so and so" so he doesn't need to be. LOL LOL I always believed there was something wrong with me because I was not more of a "chatty Kathy"....but now....I realize there probably are a lot more folks out there...
"The soul is the truth of who we are." Marianne Williamson