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Showing posts from March, 2013

MY FIRST ROSE OF THE SEASON.....................

Am still not visiting much around blogland..but am busy gardening. "Find creative inspiration.  It is not an indulgence so much as a way for you to save the world." xo

MY HEART ACHES........................................

When I read the news around the heart aches.... Sending loving kindness thoughts through the universe.. This wonderful painting of the Buddha is by the very talented Brenda Ferguson...titled HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD......let's keep that precious and wonderful thought. xo Jo


Do you feel like you make a connection with someone when you blog?  Sometimes I other times I don't. Perhaps it is because I have been blogging so infrequently as of seems that my "blog creativity" and motivation are on the back burner at the moment.  I have not been visiting any of my favorite blogs to leave a comment of encouragement or just to say hello.   I received a wonderful email from my friend Mary the other certainly lifted my spirits and I thank her for it....but it still was not enough to "scratch the itch" for blogging.   For now....I'm just going with my feelings...doing other creative things and taking a little rest from the computer.  Thanks to all of you who still check in occasionally...perhaps in my own small way...I DO CONNECT. hugs and sending a little Spring to all of you..... first three photos are mine.....last photo is an artists rendering of petunias....WHICH I THIN...

WHAT A GREAT THOUGHT........................

It is a cold and rainy day here in AZ.....this is a cheery thought.  Let's all stay warm this weekend. hugs, Jo

MY GYPSY CURTAIN.......................................

I have collected fancy scarves for years...I think a scarf can really complete any outfit.   The one's shown here are but a few of the one's I actually own.  They have been stored away in a drawer for many a moon so I decided to do something creative with them. This window is in my studio and it is my spot, so anything goes..... At the moment they are cobbled together with safety pins....but when I finally get the time and have the curtain finished I will hand stitch it together. As I was doing brought back wonderful memories of when we had our company and we would have to get all gussied up to entertain at home or a night on the town with clients. I'm so pleased I saved all of them...I think it turned out pretty sexy....what do you think? hugs, Jo