I believe....nothing.....makes you see the world through new eyes like a new baby or a new puppy. They don't miss a minute of anything and notice everything. We brought sweet Skyler home Thursday afternoon to stay. His personality is so very different from our Miss Sophie I can't believe it. He puts everything in his mouth....Sophie almost never explored plants and leaves that way. He cries occasionally because he misses his litter....she never cried...not once. He comes and lays on my shoe when I am in the kitchen working....just to be close to me....Sophie never did that either. Oh don't get me wrong....our Sophie is a real lover....but just in a different way. The breeder explains it this way....the little girls...."love you"....but the little boys...."are in love with you." big difference..... Everything is going well so far....and boy are we busy, busy, busy....lol lol... Love it though! Just a short up date ...
"The soul is the truth of who we are." Marianne Williamson