It is Springtime in AZ.....the most beautiful time here; if you can actually say we have a spring because it goes from being beautiful to HOT! Anyway, March and April are THE TIME to be in AZ if you can. We seem to have a lot of people visiting this time of year and moi is no exception . Time to get busy: Fluffing up the house...... Doing laundry Cooking and baking...... Maybe a pie or maybe a cake!!! Making time for creativity....... MUST put flowers in their room... And REMEMBER TO.... And the most important thing.....take time to enjoy them while visiting on the porch!!! Lesson to be learned here: Don't get so exhausted fluffing up your nest....that you have no time to truly enjoy your visitors. It's the people who count..not the stuff!!! See you in a little while dear friends, Blessings, Jo Photos courtesy of Flickr
"The soul is the truth of who we are." Marianne Williamson