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CROSSING TIME ZONES.........................

While traveling.....we always cross several time zones......causing this thought to come to mind~~


The light filters through trees~~making leaves dance on my window shade

Buddha smiles as the light behind him flickers like so many raindrops on wet pavement

This summer light is supposed to last longer now because of manmade alteration to time

How foolish humans are~~Don't they know you cannot alter the light

Light only lasts for so long~~no matter what the clock says.

Just me thinkin' out loud today.




  1. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time and doing lots of soul-searching...good for you!

  2. What a beautiful, thought provoking post- Gorgeous pictures! xo Diana

  3. You're right, of course! And great photos!

  4. Hello Jo:
    And you have set us thinking as well. Not only about your very thoughtful words but also about your most atmospheric images.

  5. Wishing you and yours a blessed day. May you enjoy the first harvest.

  6. I have never understood daylight savings time. They say changing the clocks give more hours of daylight....the hours of daylight stay the same!! Thanks for the wonderful comment you left for me. I am looking forward to hearing more about your adventures and seeing more of your beautiful photos.

  7. When the time changes, it always messes me up. I get all out of rhythm and have to try to readjust.

  8. Good morning Jo,

    Thank you for stopping by for a visit, I appreciate
    the company of new online friends.

    I have to tell you, I really enjoyed reading your
    thoughts about the light. You have a poetic soul.

    How foolish humans are~~
    Don't they know you cannot alter the light...

    how very perceptive of you
    and most certainly the most true statement
    I have read on the blog as of late.

    sending blessings and greetings of Joy
    your way.

    hugs Sharon

  9. Good morning Jo,

    Thank you for stopping by for a visit, I appreciate
    the company of new online friends.

    I have to tell you, I really enjoyed reading your
    thoughts about the light. You have a poetic soul.

    How foolish humans are~~
    Don't they know you cannot alter the light...

    how very perceptive of you
    and most certainly the most true statement
    I have read on the blog as of late.

    sending blessings and greetings of Joy
    your way.

    hugs Sharon


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