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THE WELL HAS RUN DRY................................................

"O.K. God--you take care of the quality.  I will take care of the quantity."
Julia Cameron

At this point in my life.....I am just stuck!  There, I have said it...and am going to have to do something about it.
I don't like being in this spot.  This last year of my life has been so very unsettling, with my huge move and downsize, Brad's serious surgery, and my son's death; it seems as though true JOY is just out of reach.  

This isn't a case of the "blues or depression"....I'm still getting on about the business of life.  The passion is gone.  Things I once loved doing, blogging, painting, making jewelry just being creative in some manner have all fallen aside and piled up behind my wall of "being stuck".

Friends tell me that this will pass since I have certainly had a lot going on...but I DON'T LIKE BEING STUCK. 

Since I believe there is a direct connection between spirituality and fact they both fuel each other; I'm going to sign up for a retreat down in Sedona.  The spot is called Sedona Mago Retreat and has many, many retreat offerings.

The first retreat I am interested in is mid September and it is with Julia Cameron.  The second retreat I'm considering is in late October and it deals with spirituality practices during all phases of recovery and growth.  They are a few hundred dollars apiece but I think they might fit the bill. case anyone out there wants to check this retreat center out you can reach it at  

I think this will be money well spent on getting oneself back on track.  

What do you think?  How do you get yourself out of a funk?

Just wonderin'??



  1. You are doing the right thing Jo. When we keep sinking into quicksand, we have to find a way to pull ourselves up. I do hope that the retreat helps.

  2. Oh yes Jo you do whatever feels right for you to become unstuck....thinking of you xo

  3. It sounds like you are experiencing the burn-out of high stress and grief. Been there, done that too. I always find that the best way to rejuvenate is to get counseling and talk it out, deal directly with all the emotions even if they are unpleasant, and trust that Time will do its job of easing the situation (it will!) The 2 workshop retreats you describe sound just excellent! They will help you get in touch with your deepest self. I read Julia Cameron's book on the Artist's Way and found it very helpful and profound.

  4. Sedona is gorgeous and I can't think of anyone who could better get a person out of a creative funk than Julia Cameron. I think that's an excellent move. Meanwhile, just take it a day at a time and don't beat yourself up over it. Try one thing every day -- a Julia artist date at a gallery or museum or art store. Journaling what you like and don't, even if it's a sentence. Try drawing something you've never done before. Create a blog you don't make public, just to journal. I couldn't have got through my bad times without that one. And mostly, when you're stuck, you just DO. You're doing something by committing to a creative retreat. Maybe you try something new -- a new recipe or a different media. One day at a time. We've all been there. How we get out is unique. Just have faith you will get out because I have faith that you will.

  5. Dear Jo, I often feel "stuck in a rut", when it gets too bad, and I feel like I have lost my passion for things I truly love, I switch gears, and find a new craft to try, or go see a play, or write. I dabble in singing, so I record a few songs here on my computer for my husband, ( he loves it, and that brings me joy). For me, switching from my normal routine, ( sculpting, and creating dolls) seems to breathe new life, and inspiration into those every day things you felt "stuck" in. Some of your emotion turmoil from such a devastating loss will linger, I know, I too lost a son, and miss him every day, but keeping yourself healthy, and busy will recharge your creative batteries. They are just not priority for your soul right now, and that's ok! Wishing you all the best, always, Christel

  6. I think we all have different ways of dealing with our funks. I try and turn everything over to the Lord and try to keep an eternal perspective. I am naturally a pretty upbeat person and I think our personalities have a lot to do with how we cope with life's happenings. You have had a very sad and stressful year. I'm very blessed that I haven't lost a child yet but my sister did. I watched her struggle with his death and the end of her marriage because of his death. But I also learned that the passage of time does help with healing. I think going to these retreats is a fantastic idea. Anything that can bring peace to your soul is worth any amount of money.

  7. Hi Jo,

    Sorry to hear you are "stuck in a rut" right now but something had to give, with all you have been through! :(
    I have fallen into "ruts" lots of times and find that the best thing to do is, to give it time.....Time heals all things as they say! Someone mentioned switching from the normal things you do and trying something NEW. That does work. I am sure that the retreats in Sedona ,will do the trick! I love Sedona. It's peacefulness will really help!
    Wishing you all the best and sending you a Big Healing Hug!

  8. This might sound strange, but I think it's ok to be in a rut, especially after huge upheavals in our lives. When I'm in a rut, I just turn introspective and try to figure out what lesson I'm to learn from it.I don't try to do anything to get out of it, just put faith in the Lord that there is a reason for this and hand it over to Him. One year when a lot of horrible things happened to me, I spent months just laying on the couch,I just couldn't muster the energy to get up! But I spent a lot of time in prayer and thought and in the end my faith was stronger because of that time. Hopefully, your retreat will do the same for you!


  9. Dearest Jo,
    Sedona should set your soul free... Really Jo, I can't think of a more peaceful place.. I believe going to a creative retreat can help more than you know... You have had such a great deal of tragedy, it is understandable that you would feel like the wind has been knocked out of you and I understand your feelings of stuck...
    How do I get myself out of a funk? When it is more than I feel I can handle, I give it to God, and immerse myself in my art.. When I lost my husband, my art was such a release for me...A way to express every emotion and just get it out.. I think this retreat will be very helpful.
    Will keep you in my prayers dear friend.

  10. Oh Jo ~ My heart and prayers go out for you as you become 'unstuck'. This retreat sounds like a beautiful, peaceful place, a place for restoration of heart and soul. You've had such a rough year, you are grieving and that takes time.

    For me personally, God has been my strength since losing my dear husband 30 months ago. I miss him every single day. Lately I've been bombarded with missing him, losing the job I had for 17 years (due to boss retiring). I've been wondering just what is my purpose in life now. I feel lost.

    Every day is a gift and we all do the best we can with those gifts. There is nothing wrong with stepping back from society to catch our bearings. To just be quiet and be still. Even if we can't go away, we can have a retreat right in our own homes.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  11. The retreat sounds lovely. Such a good idea.
    When I'm stuck I do nothing or something, it almost doesn't matter. What matters is taking the time to heal.

    My condolences and best wishes.

  12. being in the stuck place is most uncomfortable. especially for Doers, creatives, etc.

    BUT, it's an essential discomfort. if we numb it, medicate it, or fill it, we miss out on the necessary healing and creative process our soul is asking for. be in the stuck, listen, tend, blossom when the soul is ready.

  13. I think you have had so many serious things happen in your life that small things just don't seem important any more...Like jewelry making. I have found that the only way to get unstuck is time...I know it will come back with time...Wishing you the best


  14. it sounds wonderful to get on It really just might be the key.. I'm over whelmed with my mom passing and my oldest daughter just trying to commit suicide last week. my mom left the house stuffed with junk and didn't do the right things before she passed the monies so I'm having to go to court and cant find the right lawyer.. been through five.. but I think a get away will be good to just release all of your Son passing and husband surgery I don't kno the details but it 's really jumped at me.. so i'm sure your in great need of this.. I hope that you enjoy it very much.. New follower.. with love Janice


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