Have you ever had a request from someone and been torn as to whether you should help them....or not? This morning it happened to me in regards to my beautiful grandson.....I was asked to keep him all weekend and give up plans of ours that had been made for several months...because of conflicting schedules and illness..we have been unable to get together with these friends..who, by the way, are like family. I explained the situation to the person requesting the favor and felt guilty the whole time. The situation is quite serious on the requestor's end....and it was all I could do to say no, I'm sorry I can't do this. You also must understand that we are VERY available to take care of our grandson most of the time. When I discussed the situation with my wonderful soul mate....his reply was quite simple.....Jo, you can't take care of everyone......keep the focus on our life and let others take care of their own. Such a simple concept....but a...
"The soul is the truth of who we are." Marianne Williamson