Oh my......what a job this moving is!! As we get ready to move into a smaller home and I am having a day to myself while packers are loading up and packing last minute things....an important thought comes to mind. Why oh why do we as humans feel the need to accumulate so much STUFF?? Everywhere I visit on the web it seems as though everyone is either buying or selling MORE STUFF! Really.....when all is said and done you really only NEED a very few things to live in this world....the rest is just added baggage. Then......when you have lived your life and realize that you need to relieve yourself of all this STUFF....you must face the fact that you have to get rid of it or put it somewhere. Ahhh........ a stress causer.....FOR SURE! LOL LOL But I think I may have come upon an easier solution.....I know it is not really doable in this world...but it is just a thought....here it is.... Just hire a giant ...
"The soul is the truth of who we are." Marianne Williamson