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Showing posts from October, 2013

LEAVING ON A JET PLANE..................................

Just a quick little note before we leave this Thursday.  It is a 20 hour or so traveling adventure to Budapest....of course, I have come down with a cold. Drinking lots of tea, orange juice and chicken soup to try and get this thing out of my system before we take off this Thursday. Leaving you with this beautiful seasonal bouquet. Please change the water while I'm gone. O O > \~~~/ Hugs, Jo


I turn 67 today.....and actually I feel better as the years accumulate.  Since I've gotten older I actually have decided that I will celebrate each day during the month of October...just being grateful for being healthy and alive.   I hope each one of you who follow this little blog of mine celebrate each day along with me.... Here are some of the things I have planned for my birthday month: 1.  Listing our current home the end of the first week in November.  We are pretty excited to be moving into a little smaller spot as it means less work and maintenance.  We just want to be able to live more and work less.  Although we still have not found our new spot.....we know it is out there.   2.  Taking a 15 day cruise on the Rhine from Amsterdam to Budapest.  We will visit 5 countries along the way.  One of the stops will be in the place I was born....Nuremberg, Germany.  My  family  left Germany right...